Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
To view the help for the latest version of Service Manager, click here

About Resolution Details

About the Resolution Details Tab

Responding to an Incident

Responding to a Service Request

Responding to a Task

About the Resolution Details Tab

The Resolution Details tab shows response and delivery escalations in a graphical form.

Response and Resolution Targets

The response target uses the response escalation schedule, and the resolution target uses the resolution escalation schedule. If service level agreements are configured for a service, the escalations that are configured within the service level agreement override the default system escalations. If another service is selected, the system stops the previous escalation clock and marks the records of the previous escalation schedule as obsolete. At this time, a new escalation schedule goes into effect.

If the resolution target bar or the escalation records on the Escalation Watch tab do not appear, click Refresh on the toolbar.

Responding to an Incident

When an end user submits an incident through the Self-Service Portal, the system sets its initial status to logged. The system changes the incident status to another state when a Service Desk Analyst assigns an owner.

The amount of time that the incident is in the logged state is the incident response time. If the incident response time exceeds a specific amount of time, the system displays a notification on the Service Desk Management dashboard.

When you are notified of an incident response escalation, do the following:

1. Open the incident that was identified in the escalation notification. The system displays the Incident Details page.

2. In the Owner field, choose a name from the drop-down list.

3.Click Save.

The system changes the incident status to active.

The incident is considered responded to and the escalation ends.

The system notifies the end user (if automatic notification is enabled).

Responding to a Service Request

When an end user submits a service request through the Self-Service Portal, the system sets its initial status to submitted. The system changes the status of the service request to another state when it is worked on.

The amount of time that the service request is in the submitted state is the service request response time. If the service request response time exceeds a specific amount of time, the system displays a notification on the Service Request dashboard.

If a Service Desk Analyst creates and saves the service request, the system considers the service request response escalation as complete.

Do the following to respond to a breach:

1.Log into the Service Manager Application.

2.Open the Service Request workspace.

3.Open the service request that was identified in the escalation notification. The service request record appears.

4.In the Owner field, choose a name from the drop-down list.

5.Click Save.

The system changes the service request status to active.

The service request is considered responded to and the escalation ends.

A journal entry records these activities in the Activity History workspace.

The system notifies the end user (if automatic notification is enabled).

Responding to a Task

If you or your team is assigned a task, you must respond to it within a specific amount of time. If you do not, the system displays an escalation notification.

When you are notified of a task response escalation, do the following:

1.Open the service request to which the task is linked.

2.Select the Task tab.

3.Select the escalated task. (Only tasks with no status or a status of assigned or logged are escalated.)

4.Choose a response to begin processing the task and end the escalation:

Accept: The task is accepted by the user and the clock restarts.

Complete: The task is finished with no further action.

Reject: The task is rejected. This is a final state.

Reassign: The task is assigned to another user and the clock restarts. The task reverts to the logged state.

Continue: The clock continues the countdown.

Cancel: The task is canceled and the clock stops.

Waiting: The task is waiting for action from an outside party and the clock is paused.

5.Click Save.

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